Data Types


Throughout XaitCPQ you will find that all data that enters and exits the API will have a data type. You can find out what type a field is by making use of the metadata APIs.

Below are a list of the standard data types, along with an example and a SQL server equivilent.

Data Type SQL Type Example Notes
Text nvarchar(max) Sample string A standard text field with no maximum length
DateTime datetime 2/15/2025 3:33:27 PM A value that represents both date and time
Date date 2/15/2025 A value that represents a Date
Time time 3:33:27 PM A value that represents a Time
Money money 12.64 A monetary value
Guid uniqueidentifier 6702660a-9beb-e513-7acd-00155d2d8e03 A globally unique identifier
MultilineText nvarchar(max) Sample string split over multiple lines. A standard text field with no maximum length that when rendered is multiline.
Integer int 1357452 A standard integer field
PhoneNumber nvarchar(max) +44(1234) 567 890 A standard field that will rendered as a phone number
Email nvarchar(max) A standard field that will be rendered as an email address
URL nvarchar(max) A standard field that will be rendered as a URL
Boolean bit 1 A value indicating truth, 1 for true, 0 for false
Float float 16.12157 A standard float field
Decimal decimal 135.4897212 A standard decimal field
Binary varbinary(max) N/A A standard binary field